Outcome Highlights

You can expect to master the following topics:

  • Basics

    Learn All About If Statements, Loops, Functions, Lists and DictionariesO

  • Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

    Break the barrier to OOP with super simplified examples. Learn all about Methods, Objects, Inheritance, Super Keywords, and follow along all the step by step real project examples.

  • Build Games

    Build Real RPG Games using OOP. Learn about sprite sheets, Animation, Player and Enemy Logic, Power Ups, Collisions and get your self familiarized with Real Python Games Development.

  • User Interfaces and GUI

    No Program is useful for the basic end user without a User Interface. Build User Interfaces using various libraries like Flet, and PySimpleGUI.

  • Machine Learning & AI

    Enjoy the overly simplified Explanation of Complex ML Algorithms from Regression, To Classification, To Reinforcement learning, and NLP. Tons of Hands On Step By Step Examples are there to help you master this topic.

  • Deep Learning

    Enjoy The Simple Explanation of Neural Networks, and build your own Classifiers using various datasets.

  • Database

    No Professional App is possible without Database. Learn all about SQL and ORM from scratch. And See How a simplified Social Network works, using only those concepts.

  • Image/Video Processing and OCR

    Reading Data From Images is no easy task. Learn to Use Image Processing and OCR techniques to analyze financial documents and extract all the numbers out of it.

What is the most valuable thing about this course?

Python might not be that super hard Programming language, but its applications are not easy. Machine Learning and Data analysis concepts are not easy to visualize or grasp due to the high dimensionality math. We are breaking those concepts and visualizing them, like explaining to a 5-years old with tons of hands-on step by step Applications.

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There Is No Better Time To Master Artificial intelligence using Python