Course curriculum

    1. 1. Installing Environment

    2. 2. Opening IDE

    3. 3. Resources Note

    1. 1. Resources

    2. 2. Creating Variables in Python

    3. 3. Taking Input from user via Command Line

    4. 4. Performing Arithmetic Operation

    5. 5. What is a Random Number Generator

    6. 6. Let's Build a Game!

    1. 1. Resources

    2. 2. How does a Car Utilize The IF Statement

    3. 3. IF-ELSE To Which City Can Our Adventurer Go?

    4. 4. Controlling an RC Toy With ELIF Statement

    5. 5. What is my Grade Letter?

    1. 1. Resources

    2. 2. Storing Names-Ages Using Lists

    3. 3. Lists Append & Adding To A Shopping Cart

    4. 4. List Delete & Removing Items from Shopping Cart

    5. 5. List Empty & Preventing A Shopping Cart Crash

    6. 6. Nested Lists

    7. 7. Tuples

    8. 8. While Statement and Repeating The Program Forever

    1. 1. Resources

    2. 2. Saving Code Space By Using FOR loops

    3. 3. Enumeration

    4. 4. Zip

    5. 5. Advanced Loops with List Comprehension

    6. 6. Image Coordinates Shift Using For Loop

    1. 1. Resources

    2. 2. List Entries Using Functions

    3. 3. Global Variables & What Can't My Function See

    4. 4. Returning A Value After Function Execution

About this course

  • Free
  • 63 lessons
  • 5 hours of video content