Outcome Highlights

You can expect to master the following topics:

  • Modularity

    A Conveyor Belt is your Module. Its Motor is your Component 1. Its Proximity Sensor is your Component 2. The Logic for your Motor is your Unit. This is how we will learn to design our PLC Software.

  • Advanced Structured Text (ST)

    Learn how to design Large PLC Software projects using Structured Text.

  • Integration and Controllers

    Integrating Large chunks of code is a daunting task. And it requires a well designed Software Component Controller. We will learn how to architect all of this

Course curriculum

    1. 1. Introduction

    2. 2. Project Overview

    3. 3. Component Design Overview

    1. 4. IO GVL

    2. 5. Analog Handler

    3. 6. Motor Driver

    4. 7. Motor Driver- Unit Test

    5. 8. Digital Sensors Handler

    6. 9. Proximity Sensor- Unit Test

    7. 10. Gate Driver

    8. 11. Gate Driver- Unit Test

    9. 12. Product Handler

    10. 13. Product Handler- Unit Test

    11. 14. Analog Output Handler

    12. 15. Fault Injection Handler

    1. 16. DUT FI

    2. 17. Measurement Port Design

    3. 18. Calibration Port Design

    4. 19. Read and Send Ports

    5. 20. IO Encapsulation Structure

    6. 21. Structuring the component

    7. 22. Doser Component Load Cell

    8. 23. Doser Component Motor Frequency

    9. 24. Doser Component Motor Driver

    10. 25. Doser Component Bunker

    1. 26. Timer Unit

    2. 27. Mixer Ports part 1

    3. 28. Mixer Ports Part 2

    4. 29. Structuring the component

    5. 30. Mixer Motor Frequency

    6. 31. Mixer Motor Driver

    7. 32. Mixer Timer

    8. 33. Mixer Gate

    1. 34. Creating The Main Program

    2. 35. Main GVL

    3. 36. Main Ports Mappnig

    4. 37. Main IO Mapping

    1. 38. FSM Inputs/Outputs

    2. 39. Controller Status functions

    3. 40. Controller User Input Port

    4. 41. Controller Algorithm

    5. 42. Controller Integration

About this course

  • $299.00
  • 54 lessons
  • 5.5 hours of video content

What is the most valuable thing about this course?

Learning Pattern-based programming is like designing a puzzle-based design, where you design individual code pieces and fit them together to create a powerful PLC software infrastructure. We will first start the design by creating unit functions, building them up to components that form the machines in the production line. And finally the controller. Modifying any piece of these would be so easy that you won't have to scratch your head for hours trying to figure out how to modify your algorithm or even worse deleting the whole thing. We all been there once!