Outcome Highlights

You can expect to master the following topics:

  • From Wire To PLC

    Everything Related to Industrial Automation Design Like : PLC Programming | HMI | Panel Protection and Cables | Motor Driving Techniques | Fault Tracing & Maintenance | Schematic Design| Web-Access | And Two Full From Scratch Real-World Project Design

  • PLC Object Oriented Programming

    Structure your PLC Software using OOP concepts and like : Classes | Methods & Properties | Inheritance | Polymorphisim | Interfaces | And Learn to use Sotware Design Patterns | Full From Scratch Real-World Project

  • PLC Automated Testing

    Automatically Test your PLC Code using Automated Testing suits. You don't have to test manually when developing. Develop your own Test cases to check corner cases and Code coverage as you expand your Software.

  • PLC Architecture Design

    Units make Modules, Modules Make a Component, and Components make a full Machine. Learn how to architect your PLC code and create your own Machine-based library.

  • PLC Lab Using Arduino & Modbus-TCP

    For under 30$ Create your own mini PLC lab by using: Soft-PLC | Virtual HMI | Arduino | Ethernet and Modbus-TCP communication. Now you can experiment with Sensors and Actuators by building your mini-lab.

  • PLC Basic Machine Vision

    Get to the world of machine vision using ANY camera and a Soft PLC. You will learn: OPCUA | Python Communication | Soft-PLC | Image Processing Techniques | PLC/Camera Communication. And build a full basic project.

When I started my first Job, I wished there was a simililar Course Guidance

Because let's be honest. there is barely any courses out there that teaches the combination of PLC Programming and Electrical Design

1. Electrical Aspect

  • Sizing Circuit Breakers and Cable

  • Sizing Overload and Overcurrent

  • Electrical Panel maintenance and Fault Tracing

  • All Major sensors and actuator and how they function

  • PLC Electrical Panel and Schematic Design

2. PLC Programming and Software

  • Learn Integrating All Programming Languages together
  • Design PLC Software Architecture. Build your own Components library for your Motors, Sensors, Actuators and Full Machines.
  • Learn Object Oriented Programming. This is the latest Standard applied in PLC industry. Now you can program with the same concepts used in C++/JAVA languages. And don't worry. I will make it super easy to understand step  by step

3. PLC Automated Testing

  • Write Automatic Test cases using Python, and have your PLC Program test it self. This is extremely useful skill for large projects!
  • Build Test reporting, and when some PLC program logic fails, get a notification to fix it in your code before even commiting to your customer.

4. Communication Protocols

  • Learn how to use and test OPC UA servers
  • Modbus TCP from scratch and learn how to use it to communicate between different devices including the famous Arduino board
  • Learn to connect PLC to HMI
  • Connect PLC to Web Visualizers

5. PLC Machine Vision

  • Build your own PLC Machine Vision application. Used to identifiy Mechanical defects in inspection lines.
  • Learn to Use Python and OpenCV libraries to create cutting edge Analysis software and link it to your PLC

What is the most valuable thing about this Bundle?

Does not mater if you are a Pro or a Beginner, this bundle contains very detailed step-by-step Projects in every area of industrial Automation. From Electrical Panel Design, PLC Programming, Software Architecture, Automated Testing, to Machine Vision . This bundle is updated every month with new content.

Get All 6-Courses For 59$

There Is No Better Time To Master PLC